FlowAccount Open API

Get to know FlowAccount Open API to connect you business to create documents in FlowAccount No need to key in information yourself and it is easy to get started.
Start building integrations with FlowAccount API to streamline your business
Create and Send Quotations, Billing Notes, Tax Invoices, Receipts and Purchase Orders

Sync your Point of Sale invoice to our Cash Sales Document

Update document status as approved or paid

Add Products and Contacts

Add attachments to documents

Send to your customers an email or a shared link
Start building integrations with FlowAccount API to streamline your businessStart building integrations with FlowAccount API to streamline your business
Create Automatic Documents
Create Automatic Documents
Connect your POS system or payment platform to automatically generate accounting documents - save time and reduce errors.
Smart Single-Entry Recording
Smart Single-Entry Recording
Whether it's money coming in or going out, FlowAccount records it all. No double work, no confusion - just simple, accurate bookkeeping.
Analyze Data for Insights
Analyze Data for Insights
Transform your sales and financial data of revenue-expense and remaining balances into insights to make business decisions efficiently.
Real-Time Business Tracking
Real-Time Business Tracking
Monitor your business performance in real-time through POS system integration or website connectivity. Get instant insights to make quick, data-driven business decisions.
Easy System Integration
Easy System Integration
Connect to other systems through developer Open APIs. Seamlessly integrate with CRM, e-commerce platforms, POS systems, and payment gateways.
Customizable and Adaptable
Customizable and Adaptable
Our Open API covers multiple functions and offers exceptional flexibility, allowing developers to customize according to their specific needs.
Discover Free Today
Discover Free Today
Experience the real thing with our Sandbox Environment. We provide a free trial so you can thoroughly test the system before making a decision.
Additional information to help you easily get started connecting to FlowAccount and FlowAccount Payroll.
Request desktop site
Sandbox Environment
Sandbox Environment
We have a sandbox environment for you to test. You can grap the client-id secret within the MyCompany portal under connection section. There will be information about how to login and check your results in there as well. Once you are satisfied with your integration, you can switch to use the live URL.
ใช้งานได้ทุกฟังก์ชันในแพ็กเกจ Pro Business รวมถึง
สามารถทดลองใช้ sandbox เพื่อพัฒนาการเชื่อมต่อได้ฟรี
สามารถเชื่อมต่อเอกสารได้สูงสุด 5,000 รายการ/เดือน
(หากต้องการใช้งาน transaction ที่มากขึ้นสามารถติดต่อเพื่อขอราคาพิเศษได้)
Sandbox Key
Production Key
Postman collection (JSON Document API)
Manual for Test Postman API (PDF File)
Private consult or one on one meeting.
Pay when you go live.
Starting at
*Pay Annually 20,000 Bath/Year
  Need help? Or just want to have a friendly conversation. Call us at Tel 02-026-8989 (Sales) or developer_support@flowaccount.com
Grow Your Apps with the
Grow Your Apps with the FlowAccount Ecosystem
Become an App Partner with FlowAccount and allow your apps to be discoverd by over 40,000 Thai SMEs currently using FlowAccount to run and operate their small businesses
Ready to get started?
Get in touch to create an account [Start now] or call us at Tel. 02-026-8989 (Sales)